OPHirata, the account that captures tournament data in Japan, has recently released comprehensive data on Flagship tournament wins in Japan, shedding light on the dominant decks that have been making waves in the competitive scene. Among the numerous decks in the spotlight, Moria has emerged as the undisputed champion, followed by the formidable Katakuri and Sakazuki decks.

The data unveiled by OPHirata showcases Moria as the top-performing deck in Flagship tournaments across Japan last December. Moria got 84 wins throughout the month followed by Katakuri with 71. The former best deck in the format, Sakazuki, was far from the two with only 57 wins as 2023 ended. According to the post, 11% of the wins were not attributed so the rankings might change once the data was unveiled.

Moria has been very dominant in the Flagship tournaments ever since its release. Although it didn’t won a CS yet. A lot of people attribute Moria’s success to the new mechanic it brings as the only leader who utilizes the trash cards as resources.

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